All companies from Region-havelland-de

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Dorfstraße 32
14715 - Nennhausen
Tel.:033878 60917 | Fax: 033878 60918
Building Contractor
Dammer Landstraße 1
14715 - Nennhausen - Liepe
Tel.:033876 90600 | Fax: 033876 906099
Glazier`s Workshop
Buckower Dorfstraße 21
14715 - Nennhausen - Buckow
Tel.:033878 900080 | Fax: 033878 90659
Buckower Straße 40
14715 - Nennhausen
Tel.:033878 60203
Am Weinberg 1
14715 - Kotzen - Kriele
Tel.:0162 7716779 | Fax: 033874 60042
Dorfstraße 36
14715 - Nennhausen
Tel.:033872 18313 | Fax: 033872 18311
Meteorological Services
Fouqué Platz 6
14715 - Nennhausen
Tel.:033878 60412 | Fax: 033878 60648
Plumbing and Heating service
Fontanestraße 2
14715 - Nennhausen
Tel.:033878 60414
Fouqué Platz 3
14715 - Nennhausen
Tel.:033878 649-0 | Fax: 033878 649-28

All companies from Region-havelland-de

This list shows you all entries registered with city-amp from Region-havelland-de

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A business directory of companies with phone number, attractions, events, offers, coupons, and more. Directly on the map.